Help Your Child Learn To Talk Through Play

Simple strategies and tips you can use to boost speech and language skills

Help Your Child Learn To Talk Through Play

Simple strategies and tips you can use to boost speech and language skills

Why focus on play to improve speech and language skills?

Because play and language go hand in hand.

Develop Thinking Skills
In order to develop language, children need to have mental imagery and thinking skills. They need to be able to represent reality with symbols.
Develop Symbolism
Through play, a child develops representational skills that are foundational to language development. They learn the concept of symbolism.
Develop Language
Play skills must develop to a certain level before language skills are possible. A child's language skills will not outpace play skills. Language and play are interconnected.

Play is the key to unlocking your child's full speech and language potential. Let me show you how!

speech and language skills

At Play Say Learn, you will discover:

The different stages of play and how they relate to speech development

What play skills your child should be working on

activities, toys and games for each stage of play

Typical speech & language milestones by age

skills your child needs to master in order to start talking

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Object Permanence

A child understands an object still exists when hidden
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Cause & Effect

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Simple Problem Solving

A child learns to manipulate objects and use them as tools
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Meet The Expert

Hi! I'm Kelly, Speech-Language Pathologist.

I have been working with young children for over 20 years to help them learn to communicate. I coach caregivers so that they can help their children at home using the same strategies we use in therapy. My hope is that using the resources I provide here, you can work with your child at home as well and help her reach all those speech and language milestones.

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